Name (你的名字):
Director (导演的名字):
Film title and date of release (片名和公演日期):
I. Intellectual and/or emotional response (你在思想和情绪上的反应):
What were your expectations? Were they confirmed or disappointed? Explain. (你原来对电影的期望值是什么?它们得到肯定还是使你失望?请解释。)
In your opinion, what was the aim/purpose of the film? Why do you think so? (你觉得影片想要说明的是什么?你为什么这样认为?)
II. How does the film use the following techniques? Provide one or more examples in each category and interpret how the techniques shape the film’s meanings or effects. (以下这些特技在影片中是怎样被应用的?请举例说明每项特技的应用,它们如何烘托出故事的中心大意。)
- Narration (e.g., story, screen writing, dramatic appeal, motivation, closure, point of view) 叙事;故事本身,剧本,剧情,深度,视角,圆满;
- Mise-en-scene (e.g., set, selection, arrangement, composition, design, lighting, appearance and movement of people: acting, gesture, costume) 场景:布景,选景,组合,设计,灯光,亮相,动作,表演,姿态,装饰;
- Cinematography (e.g., camera focus, angle, movement, framing, color) 拍摄:聚焦,角度,跟踪,取景,着色;
- Sound and subtitles (e.g., music, noise, silence, language, voiceover narrator, sound effects—diegetic or nondiegetic) 音响:音乐,杂音,静音,台词,旁白,音响效果;
- Editing (e.g., frequency, smoothness/jumpiness, rhythm, shot-to-shot relations, montage, continuity, cuts, order, duration) 剪辑:重复,圆滑,缓和,断续,节奏,场面,连贯,裁剪,顺序,间歇,
III. How does the film try to “make its case”? Restate the “case.” (e.g. by emotional or intellectual appeal, manipulation of point of view, documentary authority, symbolism, etc.) 影片如何陈述故事?用你自己的话,简述故事。比如说,故事对你的情绪或者思路有哪些启发和警示?如何处理和安排观众的视角,是否有真实感,是否有象征意义,等等。