Comrades questions

Comrades, Almost A Love Story, 1996 dir. Peter Chan

  1. To the extent the story represents the experience of Chinese diaspora in post-socialist era, what are the hopes and aspirations of those like Li Qiao and Li Xiaojun who left China? What’s their cultural identity abroad? 从某种程度上来说,故事讲的是后社会主义时期中国人的大迁移;李翘和黎小军他们的希望和动力是什么?他们在海外重新建立文化认同的过程是一个什么样的过程?
  1. In post-Mao and post-Socialist period, the term “comrade” is out of date and no longer denotes companionship in Chinese communist revolution; however, though an anachronism, it still means fellowship in organized or shared activities. Describe the spirit of friendship, a feeling of trust, a bond created by a shared goal or experience between Li Qiao and Li Xiaojun. 在后社会主义的今天,“同志”这个词已经不再有它原来的含义,指有同样革命理想的战友。但这个词并不因此就成了一个没有意义的词。请说出李翘和黎小军之间的战斗友谊,相互信任,并肩努力的场景。
  1. The Chinese title of the film, Tian MiMi, are words from the lyric of a popular song sung by Teresa Teng; how important is this Taiwanese singer to the two lovers from the Mainland China? 电影的题目《甜蜜蜜》来自台湾女歌星邓丽君的一首歌;李翘和黎小军的关系跟邓丽君的歌曲有哪些关系?
  1. Why does Li Qiao want to pass herself as a Hong Kong resident and try to disassociate herself from Mainland Chinese? How successful is she in burying her past and identity as a mainlander? 为什么李翘在香港不想让人知道她是一个大陆的人,而是一个香港的本地人?她隐瞒自己的过去,掩埋自己的文化历史,成功不成功?
  1. Philosophically speaking, what goes into the formation of one’s identity and the foundation of one’s love? How do you interpret the fact that Li Qiao and Li Xiaojun, pursuing success above and beyond love, end up being together whereas Xiaojun’s aunt, despite her undying love for the American film actor, never sees him the second time? 就哲学而言,是什么决定了一个人的文化认同,奠定了一个人爱情的基础?你怎么解释李翘和黎小军虽然各奔东西去争取事业上的成功却在最后重新聚在一起,而黎小军的阿姨Rosie爱她的美国男演员爱到痴迷却没有得到比一夜情更多的记忆?
  1. Why do you think Xiaojun’s love for Li Qiao is stronger than that he feels for Xiaoting, his finance, wife and ex-wife? What does Peter Chan want to say? 为什么黎小军对李翘的感情比他对未婚妻小婷还深?陈可辛的意思可能是什么?
  1. Why does Li Qiao insist on speaking Cantonese, instead of Mandarin, to Xiaojun at the McDonalds, knowing full well that he is from the Mainland just like her? 为什么李翘在麦当劳快餐店明知黎小军跟她一样是大陆来的人却不对他说国语,而是说广东话?
  1. In crowded NYC streets, how does Li Qiao, being deported by U.S. Immigration officers, recognize her old flame Xiaojun riding a bicycle? How do you explain the fact that Chinese see each other as strangers in China but mean a lot to one another while abroad? 在拥挤的纽约市大街上,当李翘被美国移民局递解出境时,她怎么一眼就能认出黎小军在骑自行车送外卖?为什么中国人在中国可以是陌生人,而在海外陌生的中国人见面却彼此感到很亲切?
  1. How does Li Qiao identify Pao in NY morgue? What is the significance of this episode in her life and how does it contribute to the meaning of the whole story? 豹哥在纽约市被害后,李翘怎么能帮警察认尸?她跟豹哥的一段感情在整个故事中起到什么作用?
  1. The film ends where it begins, with Li Qiao and Li Xiaojun sitting back to back as strangers in a train to Hong Kong. As a romance, this coincidence says how the two are fated to be together. But as a story addressing the issue of cultural identity, how do you interpret the beginning and the end? 电影结束时观众看到的跟电影开始时一模一样,李翘跟黎小军背对背地坐在同一列去香港的客车里,谁也不认识谁?作为一个爱情剧,这说明有情人终成眷属。作为一个讲中华大迁移中的文化认同问题的故事,这说明什么?