Incense questions

Incense, 2003 dir. Ning Hao

  1. As China enters into the 21st Century, what problems does a Buddhist practitioner need to solve, living in the reality of China’s transformation into a free market economy? 在21世纪向自由市场经济转型的中国,佛教信徒面临哪些新的挑战?
  1. From within the scope of the story, what is the place and status of religion in contemporary China moving from a spiritual culture to a material one? Examples. 中国文化在当今不但是一个精神文明,也是一个物质文明。在故事中,宗教当今的社会地位是什么?
  1. What is the compelling reason for the local villagers to donate money and burn incense at the Buddhist Temple where the monk lives? After the collapse of the Buddha statute, what are the reasons people, including the prostitutes, approach the monk and donate money? 在和尚的村子里,村民去烧香拜佛的主要原因是什么?佛像倒塌后,大家包括妓女愿意捐款修复寺庙的原因是什么?
  1. Why is the monk detained by the police in the city and put in the holding cell with prostitutes? Do you find it ironic and absurd that Chinese authorities do not respect the distinction between holy men, and prostitutes? 和尚为什么在镇上化缘时被警方控制并同一群妓女关在一个牢房里?中国警方为什么不区别圣人和有信仰的宗教人士,和以卖淫为生的妓女?
  1. How do the people at the county bureau of religious affairs and historic relics treat the monk after hearing his request for money to restore the Buddha statute? What are their attitudes and concerns as local government officials and clerks responsible for cultural affairs and propaganda? 乡文化局和历史文物保护办公室的人对小和尚的求助表现出什么态度?愿意帮助他吗?他们对什么更感兴趣?
  1. What is the name of the salon where the prostitutes say they work? How do they get released from the police station? 妓女们工作的那家沙龙酒店或者歌厅的名字叫什么?她们是怎么被释放的?
  1. Why do the young punks beat up the monk? 为什么那帮小流氓把和尚打了一顿?
  1. How does he make enough money to buy himself a pair of new boots and fix the Buddha statute in his temple? 小和尚从哪弄到的钱给自己买了一双新皮鞋,而且还把佛像装新了?
  1. Are there larger issues, social, moral, religious, and cultural, that Ning Hao is addressing by focusing on the crisis of this individual monk faced with problems threatening to crack the foundation of his faith? How do you interpret the end when the temple is scheduled to be torn down?宁浩通过小和尚所经历的这次危机想说明哪些社会转型当中更大的文化和道德的危机?怎么解读结尾,他的小寺庙将因为建路而被拆除?
  1. When the monk goes to seek help and advice from his master living in a larger and more prestigious monastery in Wutai Mountain, what is his advice? What is he doing while giving advice? 小和尚去找他的师傅求助时,师傅的建议是什么?他在一座庙前正在专心致志地做什么?