Qiu Ju questions

Story of Qiu Ju, 1992 dir. Zhang Yimou

  1. There seem to be two kinds of justice, one kind is what Qiu Ju wants from the start but cannot achieve while the other kind puzzles her when it comes at the end, thanks to her perseverance and stubbornness. Is the director in favor of the first or second kind of justice? How do you know? 似乎有两种社会公正;一种是秋菊刚开始想要而得不到的那种;第二种帮她胜诉但她毫不理解。张艺谋更倾向于哪一种?你怎么知道?
  1. The trips to the district police station, county government, and the provincial capital, paid for with the proceeds of chili sale, land Qiu Ju in situations she finds incomprehensible and alien; what point is Zhang Yimou trying to make by having her take on such a quest in which she has less and less control? 秋菊卖了她的辣椒几次去县城,乡政府“讨一个公道”,结果官司越打她越糊涂。张艺谋想通过秋菊的感受说明现代法律制度的哪些问题?
  1. How do you understand the irony that money means nothing to Qiu Ju initially when Wang Shantong offers it as a gesture of apology but money is everything in her endeavors to achieve what she believes to be true justice? 钱不是秋菊所想要的,这也就是为什么她不愿意接受王善堂赔礼道歉给她的200块钱;可是她去地方公安局,县政府,乡政府告状又离不开钱买车票,住宿,买礼物送人。你怎么看?
  1. How does she produce a well written complaint letter for the court when she hardly knows how to write or read? 自己连初中都没念完,秋菊是怎么写出那封状子的?
  1. Fairness and justice for those living in rural China is something observable to the naked eye; but it is not that simple or direct. What brings about the tipping point in Qiu Ju’s lawsuit against the village chief Wang Shantang? 什么是公正对,什么合情合理,对农民来说是肉眼能看得清楚的。但在这个故事中,决定王善堂是否有过失的根据是什么?是谁提供的?
  1. How do you interpret the interesting detail that, in this patrilineal society that favors boys over girls, Wang Shantang, who kicks Qinglai in the groin who provokes him by stating the fact that he (Wang) has only daughters but no son, helps save Qiu Ju (and Qinglai) giving birth to a son? 在一个重男轻女的男权社会宗法社会中,万庆来嘲笑王善堂只有女儿;但是就是这个没有儿子的王善堂让秋菊和她的儿子母子平安;张艺谋想强调的是命运捉弄了王善堂呢,还是秋菊?
  1. The viewer sees Qiu Ju and Wang Shantang throw money on the grounds when it is supposed to right a wrong and compensate the inured. What do they, both Qiu Ju and Wang, view as more important than money? 观众看见秋菊和王善堂把钱扔来扔去,都对钱不在乎。对他们俩来说,什么比钱更重要?
  1. Why is Officer Li originally in charge of Qiu Ju’s case unhappy seeing her return from county government? What are the things he does to resolve the dispute? Given how the story ends, does his way of controlling the conflict between Qiu Ju and Wang the right way? Why? 为什么李警官看见秋菊从县城告状回来不高兴?他为解决王善堂和秋菊之间的矛盾做了哪些事?他对解决民事纠纷的做法对不对?为什么?
  1. As a social commentary, what does the film say about the changes in Chinese legal system in the context of reform from rule of man to rule of law? 电影说明中国的法律建设还有哪些问题?张艺谋倾向于法治呢还是人治?从他的故事中,法治和人治有什么不同?
  1. Provide a short psycho-narration for Qiu Ju in the last scene that freezes her face, a blank, empty and troubled look, as she watches the police car taking village head away.请为最后站在村口目瞪口呆、一头雾水的秋菊写一段内心独白,说明当时她脑子里想的是什么?