One Less questions

Not One Less, 1999 dir. Zhang Yimou

  1. How do you interpret the contrast between the way of life (and its values) in Shuiquan Village and that of the city (and its values) in which Zhang Huike and other rural kids seek work? 你怎么看水泉村人的生活方式和价值观和城市人的生活和价值观在这部电影中的表现?
  1. In the context of the story, how do you understand the obvious flaws of Wei Minzhi, the female lead character who is without much education herself, immature and inexperienced in many ways, and quite ignorant of the ways of the world? 你怎么理解代课老师魏敏芝的种种缺点:缺乏教育,不成熟,没有工资和生活经验,对现代化的城市生活一无所知?张艺谋想说明什么?
  1. Do you feel put off by the fact that in the film there is no professional actor? Everyone the viewer sees in the film is who they are in real life, including their names and identity. Is it a docudrama? Is the story authentic? 你怎么看这部影片中没有专业演员这样一个事实?每个人物演的都是他们在实际生活中的自己,包括名字与身份。这个故事真实吗?
  1. What motivates Wei Minzhi to keep everyone in her class from dropping off? 魏敏芝让她班上的学生一个都不少的动力是什么?
  1. How does the story taking place in Shuiquan Village address the problems and issues of urbanization? How is it a dialogue or negotiation between neoliberalism and the new Left?  这部影片跟中国城镇化的问题有什么关系?张艺谋的故事怎样涉及中国新左派与自由派的争论?
  1. When asked to accompany Wei Minzhi to the spot where she last sees Zhang Huike, the girl is not inclined to help Wei find him; what motivates her to go? 魏敏芝在城里让那个认识张惠柯的女孩儿陪她一起去她最后看见他的地方,那个女孩同意去吗?为什么?
  1. How many pieces of chalk does Teacher Gao give to the 13-year old Wei Minzhi who is his substitute for the duration of one month? How would Wei Minzhi know when to let school kids out? How many cans of coke does she buy for her class? 高老师给魏敏芝多少根粉笔?告诉她每天什么时候放学?
  1. What’s Zhang Yimou’s view on agrarian culture and values of frugality, collective efforts and communal sharing, simplicity? Are the rural and poverty-stricken kids about to lose their right to education seen as problem of or solution to China’s social transformation? Why? 张艺谋怎样表现农业文明的价值观:节俭、团结、互助、纯朴?农村很可能因贫困失学的孩子是社会转型中的问题还是动力?
  1. When asked what is the most memorable thing about working in the city, what does Zhang Huike tell the T.V. reporter? 张惠柯告诉记者在城里最难忘的是什么?
  1. In what ways are the urbanites culturally inferior rather than superior to the rural urchins who always work together for a common goal? 从什么角度来看,农村孩子在文化上不但并不处于劣势,反而针对心胸狭窄的城市人具有一定的优势?
  1. How do you interpret the attitudes of the bus conductor who throws Wei Minzhi off the bus, the T.V. Station receptionist who treats Wei Minzhi like a public nuisance, and the village chief who doesn’t see pass money and power? 你怎么解释魏敏芝因为没买车票而被迫下车,因为没有身份证而被拒之门外?
  1. Who or what is Wei Minzhi when viewing the film as a national allegory? In what way does she represent China appearing on global stage? 作为一个寓言,魏敏芝象征一个什么样的在全球崛起的中国?