
Please view one of the two clips below, and provide a short (less than a page) psycho-narration for the protagonists who appear in it. The narration should be either from omniscient point-of-view in which you know everything that is going on in the mind of both characters, or from third-person limited perspective in which you know only what’s going in one character’s head. Your homework is graded on (1) how familiar you are with the plot as a whole, (2) how much insight you have into the story, and (3) how well you understand the film aesthetics and acting.

In this first clip from Zhouyu’s Train (dir. Sun Zhou), the protagonist Zhouyu and her suitor Zhang Qiang are in bed, but unable to achieve intimacy. As an omniscient narrator you tell what the two are thinking or, either as Zhouyu or Zhang Qiang you write an interior monologue using “I” to narrate her or his thoughts. Some of the best examples.

In this second clip from the end of Lost in Beijing (dir. Li Yu), the protagonist Liu Pingguo and her rival Wang Mei end up being friends. As an omniscient narrator you tell what the two are thinking or, either as Liu Pingguo or Wang Meiyou you write an interior monologue using “I” to narrate her thoughts.

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